Cyber Cops

Our Blogs

GDPR Compliance: What You Need to know to Stay Com...

These guidelines make sure that the customer data is secured and is used lawfully. There should not be any kind of bias and no data should be store...

An Ultimate Guide to HIPAA Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is basically a U.S. law that is designed to place safeguards on protected health in...

What is IT Infrastructure Audit? An Essential Guid...

The availability of strong data infrastructure is crucial as it not only ensures data availability but also makes sure that the privacy of your dat...

What is SOC 2? A Guide to SOC 2 Compliance and Cer...

The Information Technology Infrastructure of a business contains sensitive and valuable client information which is prone to spiteful activities li...

Cyber Security: Latest Trends and Practices

Cybercrimes are at their peak in today’s digital world. The stakes are so high that any sensitive information is not safe anywhere if you use the i...

Data Protection Bill Passed in Rajya Sabha: What i...

On August 7, 2023, the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 was passed by the Lok Sabha and was then sent to the Rajya Sabha. It is a step t...

How Cloud is Taking Over the Traditional IT Infras...

The traditional infrastructure focuses on hardware, data centers, and servers that are manually configured. It is a very secure way of maintaining...

The latest trends in ISO Framework: ISO 27001 Stan...

ISO/IEC 27001 is a standard that defines the requirements of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). It is known as the world’s best standar...

Malware and Viruses: A Backdoor for Hackers

While most of the tools are used for ethical practices, there are some who use them for unethical purposes.There are many types of attacks and vulnera...

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